Answering New Braunfels Most Commonly Asked Septic System Questions
March 15, 2022 - septic system

Aerobic and conventional septic systems range in size for smaller residential applications and much larger and more sophisticated commercial property use. A dysfunctional septic system may quickly disrupt day-to-day activity, and obtaining assistance from trained professionals is critical.
Are you seeking septic and plumbing drain cleaning services? The properly trained experts with Aerobic Services understand septic systems in New Braunfels and the best means of managing wastewater using superior design, installation, maintenance, repairs, and pumping capability. Our experienced professionals provide the highest-quality septic pumping and drain cleaning services.
What Is The Purpose Of A Septic Tank?
Septic tanks are components of more extensive, underground septic systems that commonly exist in rural regions lacking central sewer systems. These systems rely on nature and many forms of technology for treating wastewater passing through a plumbing network generated from activity in bathrooms, kitchens, laundry rooms, and more. A septic tank handles incoming material and splits solids from liquids, releasing the fluids into a connected bundle of pipes that feed into the soil.
Most septic tanks generally are composed of watertight materials such as plastic, fiberglass, or concrete and have a rectangular or rounded design. Internal segments or cells keep sludge and other waste from escaping into the drain area.
How Does A Septic System Work?
All wastewater generated within the home typically exits through a central drain pipe. After entering the tank, solids settle on the bottom, and oil and grease float on top. The liquid (effluent) flows into the soil or “drain field.” The soil interacts with the wastewater to eliminate potentially harmful bacteria.
A conventional septic system generally refers to the types used on properties with single-family homes or small businesses. Conventional systems often use a drainage design composed of gravel or stone contained within an underground trench. The trench usually has a type of durable material covering it that prevents dirt, sand, or other pollutants from entering above.
Aerobic systems feature treatment units that operate similarly to those used in municipal sewage treatment; however, they are comparatively much smaller. Aerobic systems use oxygen for promoting bacterial movement and often contain multiphase tanks for pretreating and disinfection.
How Hard Is It To Maintain A Septic System?
Properly maintaining your septic system helps with preventing more significant and costly repairs. Properties with poorly maintained systems face potentially declining property values and cause excessive levels of dangerous bacteria and viruses. Neglected septic systems ultimately create contaminated groundwater that poses potential health risks.
What's The Best Way To Install A Septic System?
Those preparing to install a new septic system or replace an existing one must consult with properly trained and licensed professionals. An expert service provider complies with the insurance requirements and understands the necessary testing procedures. Septic systems require permeable soil that meets or exceeds regulations imposed by local agencies that issue permits.
Trained professionals maintain the equipment needed for successful excavation of material that will sufficiently accommodate the system. In new home construction, excavation activity might coincide with various other construction activities on the premises. Typically, excavation begins following the construction of the home’s frame and might occur before the installation of pavement for sidewalks or driveways.
As a leading organization in the realm of wastewater systems and advanced drain cleaning services, Aerobic Services represents a complete solution to maintenance, including clogged drain cleaning services. Our team remains locally owned and committed to delivering superior customer service. Our comprehensive approach includes accurate design, proper installation, and always adheres to the best practices regarding maintenance and repairs. Contact our office today to speak with a friendly member of our staff.
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